Lakeside Foundation Spirit Night to be held April 17, 2025 at Tucker Brewing Co. 2003 S. Bibb Drive, Tucker, GA 30084. Join us 5-9pm to welcome Spring and celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Lakeside High School with your Viking Community! Rain or shine! Bring your friends and family! Menu and more available at
The Lakeside Foundation offers three scholarships for Seniors at Lakeside High School, who plan to pursue higher education. Each scholarship is valued at $1,000. Applications open on February 7, 2025 and close on March 7, 2025 at Midnight. Students may apply for any or all three scholarships.
>> For details on specific scholarships
Thanks to the success of the 2025 Viking 5K, nearly $12,000 was awarded to Lakeside High School students and staff. Funding was granted to address needs for Soccer, Art, Orchestra, and Technology. We look forward to supporting all of the LHS organizations who are serving LHS students!
Hundreds of runners and dozens of volunteers braved the cold on January 25th for the annual Viking 5K Race...
Many thanks to our generous local sponsors, who support the Lakeside Foundation. Their sponsorship allows us to pour every penny raised by the Viking 5K Race back into Lakeside students and staff. Please support these community-minded businesses and thank them for their support of the Lakeside Foundation.
The tradition of honoring teachers and staff for their years of service at Lakeside continues! Board member Sharmi Lawrence-Rivera recognized teachers and staff, who have achieved milestones of 5, 10, 20, and 30 years at LHS. Science Department Chair, Monica Baker-Eady, and Head Custodian, Rick Turner, were among those honored with a beautiful service pin. The Foundation is grateful for the dedicated teachers and staff who serve our community and for the donors who fund our efforts.
Nearly $8,000 in grants for academics, athletics, and facility improvements were approved at the Fall Foundation Meeting. Recipients include the Cross Country team (XC race course improvements), Football team (weight room paint and equipment, as well as a portable scoreboard for use by soccer, football, and ultimate frisbee teams), and the Science Department (curriculum/technology). The Foundation has already received additional grant requests from the Music Department and Technology Support. Your tax-deductible donations and support of our Viking 5K will help us fulfill these grant requests.
Many thanks to the families and staff who participated in Spirit Night at Tucker Brewing Company. Your dinner and drinks helped to raise $770 for the Foundation’s general fund! Special thanks to Mike Torres and his band for providing live music in the Beer Garden. We hope even more folks will join in the fun-raising next time!
Teenage years are difficult enough, without the added stress of hunger and financial need. That’s why the Lakeside Foundation allocates $1,200 in funds and works with LHS to keep the Care Closet stocked with school supplies, feminine hygiene products, non-perishable food, toiletries, and clothing for students in need. The Foundation also will provide $4,375 in grocery store gift cards for the school social worker, Mr. Don Wessels, to distribute prior to Fall, Thanksgiving, and Winter breaks. These are presented to students who would normally receive a free breakfast and lunch at school. Typically these hard-working students are facing and overcoming challenges with their grit and determination. We are still looking for a family or local business to sponsor our Spring Break gift cards with a tax-deductible donation.
Lakeside hired 32 new teachers this year to serve our nearly 2,300 students. To welcome these educators, the Lakeside Foundation presented each with a $50 gift card for school supplies. We are proud to be able to support our newest members of the LHS community!