Katelyn’s four years at Lakeside are highlighted by her strong academics with an unweighted 3.6 GPA (weighted it is a 4.0), with 9 AP courses and being dual enrolled at Georgia State University, taking Advanced Composition and Principals of Macroeconomics her senior year. She has been a member of National Honors Society, National Beta Club, Interact Club, Key Club, Future Christian Athletes and Chorus Leadership Council (serving as Librarian). Katelyn was captain of the Lakeside Varsity Girls Lacrosse team, and Co-Captain of the Lakeside Varsity Softball team. Within the community she was also been active with Atlanta Box Lacrosse League, Travel Softball League and a recreation softball league. She spent many years volunteering and donating her time to serve at her church in many platforms, as well as with Open Hand, Atlanta Clemson Club, PAWS Atlanta, Sandwich Project, Seeds of Hope, Books for Africa, Lifeline Animal Project, Medshare and Hands-on-Atlanta.

Katelyn received early admission to Clemson University’s Engineering department.