Without a doubt Laney has worked hard all four years having maintained an unweighted 4.0 GPA (weighted it was 4.34), taking 8 AP courses, along with advanced/gifted classes to round out her schedule, while also being dual enrolled her junior year at Georgia Virtual School (for Latin III) and her senior year at Georgia State University taking College Advance Composition and Principles of Macroeconomics. Throughout her years at Lakeside she has been a member of Interact Honors Society (Co-VP 11th, Co-Pres 12th), SGA Senator (10th-12th), National Honors Society, National Beta Club, Varsity Basketball all four years (Captain 12th), JV & Varsity Golf. Laney has worked as a swim instructor at Dynamo Swim Club and Top of the Key Basketball program as a coach. She has been the Neighborhood Captain of Fall Food Drive “Spooky to be Hungry” coordinating her immediate neighborhood’s participation in a community-wide annual food drive supplying six-months of food and supplies to Toco Hills Community Alliance. Laney has also been an active member at Oak Grove United Methodist Church, a VBS counselor, and Acolyte in traditional church services. She also has been a camp counselor for Julies Dream as a guide on outdoor adventures with groups of at-risk children.

Laney will be attending Georgia Tech with plans to study Civil Engineering.