Hailey’s record of maintaining an unweighted GPA of 4.0 is well earned, she has worked hard for it – then add to this thought that she has maintained this unweighted 4.0 for three years (currently), which has been recognized with her being awarded Principal’s Distinction Honor Roll.

She included in her application a sample of Visual Art. She has been studying art at Lakeside for the past three years, with this year taking AP 2D Art & Design. In addition to her experience in the Arts at Lakeside, she has been a member of the Lakeside Chorus for 4 years and an active member of the Chorus Leadership group, serving as Vice President. From one of her letters of recommendation, we also learned she had incredible vocal skills and only wish we had a sample to share online.

She was a member of the Cross Country team her freshmen year, shame on them for allowing her to get away. But apparently it was a benefit to the tennis team, where she has been a team member for 3 years.

Hailey has served in leadership positions with National Honor Society (Vice President), Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Vice President & President), Choral Leadership (Vice President), Choral Alto Section Leader; as well as a member Beta Club, French Honor Society, Tri-M National Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. And in her spare time she was a leader at Wyldlife through Younglife.

In her essay she shared experiencing plenty of moments outside of your comfort zone, a path to always finding a way to grow. She also credited the past two years, a time all of us were having to adjust by stepping outside of our comfort zones, as allowing her time to grow in a way she might not have been able to do within the school environment. Instead of letting the changes to her school experience slow her down, she recognized what this strange time allowed her to learn, not only about herself but about the world and people around her. We believe this will serve her well in your future at Auburn University.