The Joseph P. Reed Alumni Scholarship - $1,000

In 2009, The LHS Foundation dedicated the LHS Foundation Alumni Scholarship in recognition of Joe’s dedication to Lakeside and the community.

“Lakeside High School is in my blood. I like the place so much I attended for five years. Granted, it was while 8th grade was still part of the high school experience. Since I graduated in 1975, I have been fortunate to circle back for many reasons.” These words are how Joe started his notes for this bio!

Joe wasn’t away from Lakeside for very long. From 1984 to 1994 while teaching at two nearby elementary schools, he served as coach for both Lakeside cross country and boys track & field team. In 1997 he was asked by Mr. Beuglas, Lakeside principal from 1986 - 2000, to return to Lakeside as the assistant principal for instruction.

“I was a little hesitant because I had never taught at the high school level.  But I willingly took on the challenge of coordinating instruction, master schedules and testing.  Getting to know the faculty, students and parents was an added benefit and a joy.”  

In 2000 Joe took the position of principal at Sagamore Hill Elementary till he retired from DeKalb County in 2008.  In June of 2009, after the Governor and state legislators changed the law allowing retired educators to work full-time, he accepted position of principal at Lakeside. He served as principal from 2009 to 2013.  During those years he oversaw the addition of new lockers, the Fine Arts Building, and approximately 25 classrooms.  

Joe is married to Sara Reed, they have five children and five grandchildren. They have lived in Monroe County since they both retired in 2013. He spends his time volunteering in a variety of activities including: Friends of High Falls State Park, First Readers of Monroe County, Brushy Creek Estates Homeowners Association and The Backlot Players at the Rose Theater in Forsyth, Georgia.  He can also be found staying healthy on his 10-20 miles a week runs, bicycles 30-50 miles a week and paddling in one fashion or another on High Falls State Park Lake.

“I was proud to be a supporter then and as I am now of The Lakeside Foundation.  I am grateful for the scholarship named in my honor and exceptionally proud of each student who is considered for and awarded this scholarship each year.”

Application Instructions

Start Here:

This form MUST be completed before the end of the school day on March 7, 2025.

Official Lakeside Transcript:

Request Official Lakeside Transcript: Go to, follow the instructions to request your transcript. If you are currently Dual Enrolled, or have been a student at another high school, please follow that school’s requirements to order your transcript. All transcripts should be transmitted direct to: Scholarship Review Coordinator at

Send These Documents

The following four documents MUST be created in Microsoft Word and saved as a .doc format (unprotected), and named with the applicant’s last name, then first name, followed by the type of document (example:  Smith, Jane Resume).  NO OTHER FORMATS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Upon completion, transmit all documents as email attachments to Note the title of the scholarship, The Joseph P Reed Alumni Scholarship, in the subject line of your email.

1. Resume

Using the resume design of your choice, provide information of your experience at Lakeside High School (plus any other school attended) and Community, all leadership positions, awards and recognitions in these areas:  Academics, Arts (Music or Visual), Athletics, Extracurricular Activities, Community Service, Work Experience.

2. Essay

Your response to the essay question should provide insight into you as an individual. Be true to who you are and how you relate to the question.  Before submitting your essay, take the time to perform a thorough review, carefully editing for grammatical and spelling errors. The essay should be 750-1000 words, 12pt Times Roman, double-spaced.

Answer the following:

Evaluate a significant experience, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.

3. Two Letters of Recommendation

Your recommenders should be individuals who truly know you and can offer insight into your involvement at Lakeside High School and the community.  One letter MUST be from a Lakeside High School staff/faculty member, the second letter can also be from a Lakeside staff/faculty member, but it is recommended you select someone from either work, an art or athletic organization or community service. Be sure to communicate the deadline and the requirement on the letter format and how to submit their letters, as noted in the instruction box above, to your recommenders.

4. Personal Statement

The personal statement is your last opportunity to provide information about you that is not provided anywhere else in the application. Like the essay, grammar and spelling will be considered during the review.

Answer the following:

In 100 words tell us what you would like us to know about you that we have not learned from your application.

5. Sample of Art – Music or Visual (Optional)

To receive instructions on submitting samples of Art, contact the Review Committee Coordinator at These submissions will not be adjudicated, but will be used by the Review Committee during the review process.

If an applicant experiences any difficulty or has questions in regards to the application requirements, they should contact the Review Committee Coordinator at

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Lakeside High School Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 941416, Atlanta, GA 31141

Lakeside High School

Lakeside High School
(Website maintained by students and staff)

Lakeside High School Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation.

National School Foundation Assoc.