The Daniel Gordon Viking Scholarship - $1,000

The friends and family of Daniel Gordon, with assistance from the LHS Foundation Scholarship Committee, have developed this scholarship in honor of the Impact…the Imprint...the Impression Daniel made on everyone he met.

What can be said about a young man who at 24 years of age filled his life with family, friends, teammates, classmates, coaches, teachers, coworkers, managers, all who have known him…and all use the same words to describe him. “His smile would light up a room.”  Daniel didn’t have to look for a reason to smile and bring that light to those around him, it was just second nature to him. He understood that life can be hard, but it can only get better by finding reasons to smile. He welcomed every day, every job, every task with the same determination and hope.

Daniel grew up in DeKalb County, a student at Henderson Mill Elementary, Henderson Middle School and Lakeside High School, graduating with the Class of 2016. His was involved in sports, playing football and basketball all four years at Lakeside. A Lakeside teacher shared that Daniel was a student known to “always bring an energetic spirit to class”.

After Lakeside Daniel continued his love of sports and learning by attending Fort Valley State University, College of Arts and Sciences on a football scholarship – Jersey #83, Tight End. Daniel had the natural traits to be a good Tight End on any football team. A Tight End must be versatile, doesn’t have to be the best in any one position, but has to know all of the responsibilities of every player and able to carry out their role if needed. A Tight End has to be trusted to block for another player, trusted to fill in where ever needed. This was Daniel – someone you trusted.  Someone who worked hard to be successful in whatever he was involved in. Daniel graduated from Fort Valley State University in 2020 with a Bachelor of Arts – Criminal Justice, Summa Cum Laude.

In 2022, Daniel found a chance to work at something he had always enjoyed, working on cars. He may have only been working with Tires Plus–Bridgestone for 8 months, but his managers will tell you they were so impressed with his drive, his integrity, his tenacity, they knew immediately he was an asset to their company.  Every day he greeted his management, his coworkers and the customers with a smile. Daniel has now set the company’s standards for their current and future employees.

Throughout high school and college Daniel also found the time to work for DeKalb County Parks and Recreation and Brookhaven Parks Department as Recreation Leader and Lifeguard at Lynwood Park for a combined ten years (2012-2022). His direct supervisor remembered him as “a great, giving spirit…dedicated to providing great service to the community, especially to other youth and teens in the neighborhood.”

Daniel lovingly made sure his parents were cared for every day, he cooked, cleaned, ran errands, whatever they needed. In fact, everyone who knew Daniel knew he loved them, because he took the time to tell them, even if it was just sending a text or call to say “love you”.

Daniel has had an IMPACT on many in his life. He has left his IMPRINT on all who knew they could trust him. He left us with the lasting IMPRESSION of his love, sense of humor, and especially the light he brought to every room he stepped into.

From the Class of 2016 Valhalla yearbook – Senior Quote under Daniel’s portrait: “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” Ricky Bobby

Application Instructions

Start Here:

This form MUST be completed before the end of the school day on March 7, 2025.

Official Lakeside Transcript:

Request Official Lakeside Transcript: Go to, follow the instructions to request your transcript. If you are currently Dual Enrolled, or have been a student at another high school, please follow that school’s requirements to order your transcript. All transcripts should be transmitted direct to: Scholarship Review Coordinator at

Send These Documents

The following four documents MUST be created in Microsoft Word and saved as a .doc format (unprotected), and named with the applicant’s last name, then first name, followed by the type of document (example:  Smith, Jane Resume). NO OTHER FORMATS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Upon completion, transmit all documents as email attachments to Note the title of the scholarship, The Daniel Gordon Viking Scholarship, in the subject line of your email.

1. Resume

Using the resume design of your choice, provide information of your experience at Lakeside High School (plus any other school attended) and Community, all leadership positions, awards and recognitions in these areas: Athletics, Community Service, Academics, Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities, Work Experience.

2. Essay

Your response to the essay question should provide insight into you as an individual. Be true to who you are and how you relate to the question. Before submitting your essay, take the time to perform a thorough review, carefully editing for grammatical and spelling errors. The essay should be 750-1000 words, 12pt Times Roman, double-spaced.

Answer the following:

Describe how your involvement with sports and your academic pursuits have shaped your high school experience. Include information on your plans for higher education and career goals.

3. Two Letters of Recommendation

Your recommenders should be someone who truly knows you and can offer insight into your involvement with sports at Lakeside High School. One letter MUST be from a coach of a team who can speak to your dedication and commitment to a team and Lakeside; the second letter can be from a coach from another team or from a Lakeside High School staff/faculty who has personal knowledge of your commitment to your sports and academic endeavors. Be sure to communicate the scholarship deadline and the requirement on the letter format and how to submit their letters, as noted in the above, to your recommenders. All letters must be sent direct from the recommender, the committee will not accept letters sent from applicants.

4. Personal Statement

The personal statement is your last opportunity to provide information about you that is not provided anywhere else in the application. Like the essay, grammar and spelling will be considered during the review.

Answer the following:

In 100 words tell us what you would like us to know about you that we have not learned from your application.

If an applicant experiences any difficulty or has questions in regards to the application requirements, contact the Review Committee Coordinator via email at

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Lakeside High School Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 941416, Atlanta, GA 31141

Lakeside High School

Lakeside High School
(Website maintained by students and staff)

Lakeside High School Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation.

National School Foundation Assoc.